Big Medium Coffee Chat: May 14th at 11 am | PURGATORIAL STASIS

Spring has sprung and we are quarantine, limited, unemployed, baffled. worried, isolated, quieted, safe.

An unprecedented time in the creative community and globally, we are all trying to stay safe and sane during the pandemic of the novel coronavirus CoVid-19. I hope that all of you are maintaining positivity as best you can and reaching out to loved ones and staying creative and lucid whenever possible. I am here to listen and advise for anyone who may need support and guidance. Feel free to reach out to me.

Clearly, my plans for a panel at SXSW and the screening of my film have been cancelled or postponed indefinitely.

I will, however, be doing a Coffee Chat with Jordan Gentry from Big Medium this THURSDAY, May 14th, 2020 at 11 am CST via Zoom, talking with her about my process, the current state of the world and the role of artists in dire times, with a Q&A at the end. Feel free to register for the info to join via zoom HERE. xoxox